Lost or Abandoned 
WA 25 Oct, 2013

Are these things lost or abandoned? ‘Lost’ because of the loss of history but still in contrary it records the trail of the human history. Abandoned’ because it gives you the feel of homeless and also a sense of meaningless of the life circle. Homeless and restlessness and flatness all falls into a thought of boredom or does it also fall into the thought of loss of a power and identity? 

recently i saw an animation film called “Lost Things” and then i look into my own life – i do have lost many things hope it has been utilised….in ‘lost things’ the artist is trying to give a meaning and a status to the object– but i dont fnd that meaningfull as it also falls into the catagory of being colonised – everything doesn’t need to have its place? it is similar to the word ‘moral’.