1st feb to 5th feb 2012
5th day in Delhi for Art and fashion – as mithu and bhavana would say it is more of FaSion. 
still dont know what i am suppose to do and why i am here. 
Is it Fashion or trend or style?
Is it textile or clothing? 
Can it be object behavior or just simple nothing. 
reminds me of Gina: the Chinese hair dresser from our own Calcutta: Kolkatta. but for Gina i think Calcutta is the thing. The Chinese who has lived all her life in Calcutta but still has a British passport as she was born before 1947.
She had once mentioned: 
Now a days there is Fashion but no Style. 

of course we all spoke about body politics in our intro presentations. That too is in Fashion.

6 participants – quite a mixed crowd — i hope i remember all the names: 

Faseeh Saleem: Lahore: Textile designer/fiber designer 

Varun Sardana: Delhi: Fashion Designer 

Radhika Bhalla: Delhi: Critic/Art Historian

Andy: frm Taiwan but not from Thailand: Taipei: Artist  

Julie Skarland: Norway/Delhi: Fashion Designer

And me

The 2nd day we all went to Gurgaon for a art walk thru three shows: Devi + Art Alive + nature morte. but the best prize goes to the water front of the Oberoi hotel.

Devi: Iranian show – very moving as usual. many where quite a Killer, but nothing surprising as past 10 yrs the Iranian artist have been working quite strongly and also someway i felt they are using the same language. but does it matter as they are able to express them self so strongly. Loved the animation videos –all of them but the ones which said –i dont remember the name – but i think it sounded: you dont know what is above your head? 

Art Alive: Fragility: nicely curated show, very sleek — very proper was it too proper? missed a little bit of ginger. but loved Masoomas work and Mithus fish skeleton vitrine. ( i am in love with vitrines now a days). Masoomas work still in my mind the correct sensitive fragile but still has a little bit of ginger in it.  

Nature morte, gurgaon: T&T: — i can only say they are the T&T. after the show i was craving for sarsoo ka saag and makai ke roti.